Payment Policy

  • You should have to top off your app wallet in accordance with the provided plan before connecting to an astrologer.
  • Your balance will be taken out at the minutely rate set by the appropriate astrologer.
  • If you need additional advice after your balance has run out, you must recharge once more.
  • You are not eligible for a refund of your recharge money.
  • ASTROBAATE'S Terms and Conditions prohibit disclosure of your account information and financial information.
  • Regardless matter whether a user is a registered user or just a visitor, the Website aims to preserve the privacy of all users accessing the platform.
  • Every user is advised to be aware of the different categories of personally identifiable data that are gathered.
  • The ASTROBAATE uses personally identifiable information for some forecasts, however it is assured that no direct or indirect use of the information disclosed in a prediction for a member will be made unless it is done specifically for the member receiving the horoscope charts and predictions.
  • Moreover, it is made clear that the Website in no way deals in selling or renting the information that is provided to the Website.
  • You are required by the ASTROBAATE to abide by the advice and recommendations of astrologers, but the decision to do so is entirely up to you.
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